Recording goosebumps
Up to now, goosebumps
have never been recorded objectively. In studies on goosebumps,
are asked to press a button when they feel they have goosebumps, or to
tick boxes
in a questionnaire when they get goosebumps while viewing the movie or
listening to the music.
A project which we first
started in Graz
and are presently developing, in our
emotion lab at Kiel university, is a goosebump recording
allowing to quantify exactly the degree and
temporal extent of goosebump appearance. With this camera
system we will investigate the relation of
goosebumps to other indicators of emotional arousal such as
electrodermal responses.
We will also be able to examine the specificity of typical patterns of
goosebumps (on arms, legs, back) in
response to various stimuli; the reason why some
sounds are especially prone to elicit goose bumps (e.g., chalk on
blackboard); the
influence of ecstatic listening and listening instructions in general
on goosebumps; the
influence of patriotism on the degree of goosebumps while listening to
the national anthem, .... |

Goosebump recording system.